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기업분석 (취업준비)/오픽노잼111

오픽 노잼 34 / FOOD department store 을 모르는 경우가 있으니 shopping mall 아니면 mall을 사용하자! www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZG8TPqdJo0 2021. 3. 16.
오픽 노잼 33 / normal routine, recycling, healthy food (HABIT) eye boogers / wax / crust = 눈꼽 q-tips / cotton swabs "What is your normal routine at home? - What things do you usually do on weekdays and what kinds of things do you do on weekends? " ​"I'd like to know about how recycling is practiced in your country. - What do people specifically do? - Tell me how things are recycled. " ​"When and where do you usually go to listen to music? - Do you listen to.. 2021. 3. 15.
오픽 노잼 32 / IM2를 AL로 바꿔보자!(문제를 어떻게 끝내는지!, 틀려도 그냥 가자, 안가면 흐름이 끊켜서 무슨말인지 모른다. 짧게 고민하자, ex) home...hmmm 질문 15번은 대부분 사회와 사람에 대한 내용이니까 I us we people를 잘 활용해보자. 15번은 어려운 문제니까 애써서 길게하지말고 짧게 아는 만큼만 모르면 모른다고 말해보자. 2021. 3. 15.
오픽 노잼 31 / COFFEE and cafe질문 I went through a SKY CASTLE marathon. = 스카이 캐슬 빡세게 정주행 해버렸어. That's criminal ~! = 어떻게 그럴수가 있어!!! (장난반!) Tell me about cafe in ur community. feelings 에서는 크게 강조 하고 천천히 하자. ​"Tell me about a memorable incident that happened at a coffee shop.- What happened?- Who was involved? How did you deal with the situation?- Tell me everything about what happened from beginning to end." / Past experience MP ma.. 2021. 3. 15.
오픽 노잼 30 / 반어법 HATE-LOVE, 영어로 웃긴 문장 만들기 www.youtube.com/watch?v=D37gEO_UjTs 2021. 3. 11.
오픽 노잼 29 / 오픽 묘사(Description)질문 답변방법 꿀팁( starbucks is off the hook! = amazing, wonderful, crazy good. I need to take a chill pill = 침착해야해 calm down 해야해. chill = calm down, relax, chillax I'm sweating bullets It helps me to ease my stress = relieve my stress Facilities (buiding) / Amenities (what you can do, ex) 수영장, 헬스장, 샴푸와 비누는 Toiletries) Description 어떤 것인가? 좋은 것인가 좋아하는 것인가 아닌것인가? 왜 그렇게 생각하나 왜 그렇나? 감정을 담자. How often do u go to coffee.. 2021. 3. 11.
오픽 노잼 28 / 과학기술 스크립트 all around the world를 사용해보자. 전세계 www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvj-8hjfsfA 2021. 3. 11.