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기업분석 (취업준비)/오픽노잼

*오픽 노잼 36 / 콤보세트연결(Music, weather)

by MAKOTOE 2021. 3. 23.

상태에 대해서 말할떄 condition 단어를 사용 하지말자. 


You indicated in the survey that you listen to music. what kinds of music do u listen to? who are some of your favorite misicians or composers? / Description



When and where u usually go to listen to music? Do u listen to the radio? do u go to concerts? Tell me about the different ways u enjoy music. / Habit



When did you first become interested in music? what kinds of music did u like first? Tell me how you interest n music developed from your childhood until today./ / Comparison


30초만연습해봐라 30초 녹음이 자연스럽다면 이후에 연결되는 문장들은 분명히 자연스러울 것이다.


Tell me about the weather at where you live. How are the seasons? what is ther weather like in each season? Which season do u personally like? / Description



How is ther weather today at where u r? is it cold or warm? Talk about today's weather in detail. / Description



Severe weather conditions can do a lot of damage. Tell me about an experience you had related to severe weather conditions. Perhaps a city was flooded, or maybe businesses or schools closed due to heavy snow. what was the problem? How did u deal with the situation? Give me all the details about that experience. / Past experience

AL의 경우 MP 메인포인트를 20초안에 말해야한다.

모든 경우를 앞뒤가 맞게 대답하자. 겨울이 가장 좋은 계절이라고 말했다가, 너무 추워서 싫다고 말하지 말자.







