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기업분석 (취업준비)/오픽노잼

오픽 노잼 35 / 12번 문제, refund ROLE PLAY, Performance ROLE PLAY

by MAKOTOE 2021. 3. 18.

친구끼리는 hi 보다 hey / 처음 보는 사람이라면 hi there 하자


I'm under the weather.


Role play









Role play

12번(문제가 주어지고 이를 해결해야하는 문제이다) (comfirmation)




 / 양념통닭 시키듯하자 / 1분이내로 답하자. / paused 안해도 된다. 조금만 하자. / 이름 이야기할 내용이 있다면, 영어이름이 있다면 영어이름으로 하자. / Phone은 F 폰으로 발음하자 / 이름을 굳이 말할 필요는 없다. / 화가 났으면 확실히 화를 내든지 feeling을 담아라 / 

​"I'm sorry, but there is a problem I need you to resolve. - You have received the new phone but the features are not what you expected. - You would like to return it to get a new phone. Call the store, explain the situation and make arrangements to get a new product. "


ANSWER -------- NO

Second question

ANSWER -------- YES

yeah i think that's it for me.  you too. bye now 


It really gets on my nerves. = 그건 제가 정말 신경쓰이게 해요.

FIRST question

ANSWER -------- NO

Second question

ok I accept that. I want to do that way. okay then bye now.


Hi there, is this samsung store? i bought my phone from that store. but i got some wrong one from ur store. so i want to get refund for it. can I? oh u mean that i cant get a refund for this situation. then may i change my phone color? red to blue one. may i? oh really? thats nice then i want to do that right away. okay thanks. goodbye now.



​"I'm sorry, but there is a problem I need you to resolve.- On the day of the performance, you are very sick. Call your friend and explain the situation and offer two different options to resolve this situation."


Brifely explaining

FIRST question

ANSWER -------- NO

Second question

ANSWER -------- yes

okay thanks. then see u later.


FIRST question

ANSWER -------- NO

Second question














